Sunday, March 31, 2013

Introducing The Fifty Followers Mini Giveaway!

 Happy Resurrection day ya'll! Many years ago, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ died for everyone's sin so they could go to Heaven to be with Him one day. Three days later, He was raised from the dead! Praise the Lord! I hope all of you have a wonderful day remembering what He did for you.

 Recently, I noticed that my blog followers hit 50! So I present you with...

That's right. I'm going to host my very own (mini) giveaway in celebration! 50 followers might not seem like much to some folks, but considering that my only follower for a while was my cousin- who I love dearly- it's a big deal to me! Right now, I'm looking into finding suitable giveaway materials through etsy, and my library, etc. If you would like to donate something, or know someone who would, just let me know. 

 This giveaway is being offered to followers of my blog- I love you all! If you would like to be eligible for this giveaway when it's ready- hopefully this coming month- just click the join this site button under followers, and you'll be eligible too. Keep your eyes pealed! I'm excited! :D

 Thanks for reading!

~ a rambling author

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