Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A New Year of Resolutions

 It seems like every year, people have a ton of resolutions. I have my own resolutions, but I'm not trying to do anything crazy that I won't be able to accomplish. Here are a few things I want to do this year.

1. Write everyday, and finish a novel, or two, or three.

2. Be healthy. Walk, and drink vitamin c, and a mug of hot tea!

3. Read at least 30 books.

4. Blog every Tuesday.

5. Draw closer in my relationship to the Lord.

Number One. The Prince's Quest is almost finished! I took part in an event called the 100-4-100 writing challenge, where everyone tried to write 100 words for 100 days. This added quite a bit to my word count. I'm already past 60,000 words. I hope to finish it very soon. I also would like to finish at least one other book. I hope this turns out well, and I can start rewrites/editing.

Number Two. What it says. ;)

Number Three. For some people, reading thirty books isn't hard. And it isn't so hard. But when you've got so many other things you need to/could do, sometimes you can lack in your literary reading. But this year I want to read a lot. Especially since reading is so important to your writing.

Number Four. I'm a terrible blogger. It's time I got down to, hence today's blog post. I'm going to do my best to blog every Tuesday that I'm home. It shouldn't be too hard, it's only once a week!

Number Five. I love the Lord. But, like everyone, I want to draw closer to Him, learn more of Him through His word and prayer. You can never draw too close to God, and I just want to keep drawing, closer and closer to him. The Lord is good.

 So those are a few of my resolutions. I'm excited for this new year, and to see what things God has in store for me. 2012 was an amazing year for me. God opened so many doors, letting me do things I only dreamed of. I'm sure 2013 will be even better. Thank God for a new year!

~ a rambling author

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