Friday, August 9, 2013

ABC Reading Challenge: A - Angry by Laura L. Smith

Hey everyone. It's been awhile. I feel like a complete and utter failure with the blog posting schedule, and I really hope I can get back on track. This is the first part in my ABC Reading Challenge book reviews, scheduled on Thursdays. Yay! *blows horns.*

From the back cover:
Emma is angry. She’s angry at her siblings, who she always has to baby sit; her parents, who are divorcing and ruining her life in the process; and herself for not measuring up to anyone’s standards.
With her simmering feelings ready to spill over at any time, Emma's self-worth plummets. Her faith in God is tested in the face of overwhelming hurt that threatens to send her over the edge. Can she turn back in time?
What I thought: There's lots of Les Mis. I love the musical Les Miserables, and this little book showcases a lot of it, from auditions, to show night.  I liked a lot of the characters, like Emma's younger siblings. Her dad annoyed me. Laura Smith likes to write stories about tough issues from rape (It's Complicated) to eating disorders (skinny) and she does a great job at it. Truthfully, someone needs to tackle these issues. Of course there were some things that the characters could have handled better, etc... but for the most part, I found this a really enjoyable book handling the subject of divorce without sugarcoating it, or making it seem like it was right. And it shows that God is the only one that can keep us from being Angry.


Unknown said...

I've never heard of this book or author, but it looks pretty interesting!
Anything that has Les Mis in it looks interesting to me. :D

Bethany Baldwin said...

Haha of course! The author actually sent this to me because I was in Les Mis. It was the sweetest thing. I should probably edit my review to say that.